Software Architecture Set 6 (30 mcqs)

1. What are the main aspects of business qualities?
a) Cost
b) Schedule
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

2. Which of the following are the concerns for business cost and schedule?
a) Time to Market
b) Target Market
c) Extensive use of legacy system
d) All of the mentioned

3. Which of the following are the concerns for market and marketing considerations?
a) Targeted Market
b) Cost
c) Projected lifetime of the system
d) Time to the market

4. What is time to market?
a) The ability to insert a component into a system depends on the decomposition of the system into components
b) It is ability to make changes quickly and cost effectively follows directly from architecture
c) It is ability of system to run into different environments
d) None of the mentioned

5. Which of the following is true?
a) Time to market is increased by using pre-built components such as commercial off the self products
b) Time to market is reduced by using pre-built components such as commercial off the self products
c) Time to market is may or may not increase by using pre-built components such as commercial off the self products
d) None of the mentioned

6. What conclusion can be made from the following statements?
a) Different architecture will yield different development costs
b) Same architecture will yield different development costs
c) Same architecture will yield Same development costs
d) None of the mentioned

7. Which of the following is correct for the architecture for cost?
a) Architecture the relies on technology is less expensive than that takes advantage of assets already in the house
b) Architecture the relies on technology is more expensive than that takes advantage of assets already in the house
c) Architecture the relies on technology is not affected in expense than that takes advantage of assets already in the house
d) None of the mentioned

8. Which of the following aspects are highlighted in projected life time of the system?
a) Reusability and Testability
b) Modifiability and Reusability
c) Reusability and Portability
d) Modifiability and Portability

9. Which of the following is a key to market share?
a) Modifiability and Portability
b) Reusability and Testability
c) Portability and functionality
d) Reusability and functionality

10. Which of the following plays equal role in targeted market?
a) Performance, Security, Usability
b) Performance, Security, Functionality
c) Performance, Availability, Reliability
d) None of the mentioned

11. An operation of an object obj should send messages only to which of the following entities?
a) The object obj ;
b) The attributes of obj ;
c) The arguments of the operation;
d) All of the mentioned

12. Mid-level design is the activity of specifying software at the level of medium-sized components such as?
a) Compilation units or classes
b) Their Properties, Relationship
c) Interaction of units
d) All of the mentioned

13. Which of these is correct?
a) Low-level design is the activity of filling in small details at the lowest levels of abstraction
b) Low-level design uses DeSCRIPTR specification
c) Mid-level design uses DeSCRIPTR-PAID specification
d) All of the mentioned

14. Which of the following is carried out for the detailed design process?
a) Both SRS and SAD are taken as input for the detailed design stage
b) Design is finalized and then Design alternatives are evaluated
c) Detailed design is the output for the process
d) a, c
e) All of the mentioned are correct and in sequence

15. A design document is a complete engineering design specification composed of?
a) Software Architecture Document(SAD)
b) Detailed Design Document(DDD)
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

16. Which of the following statements are true?
a) The SAD specifies a program’s software architecture
b) DDD specifies a program’s detailed design
c) There is a standard template for DDD
d) a, b
e) a, c

17. The DDD template consists of which of the following?
a) Mid level Design and Low level Design
b) Mapping between models
c) Detailed Design Rationale
d) All of the mentioned

18. Which of these statements states Generalization connector?
a) A generalization connector is more like a link line between objects than an association line between classes
b) The generalization connector always indicates that two particular classes participate in the generalization relation, as a link line shows that two objects participate in a particular relation
c) Never place a name, role names, or multiplicities on a generalization connector
d) All of the mentioned

19. Which of the following is correct?
a) A concrete operation is an operation without a body, which cannot be called
b) An abstract operation has a body, which can be called
c) A concrete class is a class that cannot be instantiated
d) None of the mentioned

20. A provided interface can be shown in which of these ways?
a) To attach the stick of an interface lollipop symbol to a class or component
b) To connect a stereotyped class symbol representing the interface to the providing class or component using a special realization connector
c) Both the ways mentioned above
d) None of the mentioned

21. Which of the following is true for Adapter pattern?
a) An adapter or wrapper is a component that provides a new interface for an existing component
b) An Adapter or Wrapper pattern is a broker pattern that provides a new interface for existing software so that it can be reused
c) Adaptation for reuse is an old technique that has been used since the beginning of software development
d) All of the mentioned

22. The Adapter patterns provide object-oriented adapters in which of theses varieties?
a) One uses inheritance
b) one uses delegation
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

23. A class (the adaptee class) may be given a new interface by an adapter class in which of the two ways?
a) The adapter may sub-class the adaptee. The adapter can inherit adaptee operations with appropriate semantics and pragmatics, override those with inappropriate semantics or pragmatics, and add operations needed for the new interface. This is the
Class Adapter pattern
b) The adapter may hold a reference to the adaptee and delegate most work to the adaptee object. This approach is the
Object Adapter pattern
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

24. A class (the adaptee class) may be given a new interface by an adapter class in which of these ways?
a) Class Adapter pattern
b) Object Adapter pattern
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

25. Which of these states about Object Adapter pattern?
a) The adapter can inherit adaptee operations with appropriate semantics and pragmatics, override those with inappropriate semantics or pragmatics, and add operations needed for the new interface
b) The adapter may hold a reference to the adaptee and delegate most work to the adaptee object
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

26. Which of the following is true for proxy pattern?
a) Has exactly the same interface as the real object
b) Handles routine or illegitimate messages without accessing the real object
c) Delegates messages that it cannot handle to the real object
d) All of the mentioned

9. Which of the following are linked with Fundamentals?
a) Tactical Information
b) Database
c) Diagnostics
d) All of the mentioned

28. What are stand-ins for objects not yet created are called?
a) virtual proxies
b) remote proxies
c) access proxies
d) None of the mentioned

29. Which of the following is incorrect with respect to the proxy pattern?
a) The Proxy pattern should be used whenever the services directly provided by some object need to be managed or mediated in some way without changing the object’s interface
b) Virtual proxies can be used to delay the creation or loading of large and time-consuming objects to preserve space and ensure rapid responses to requests
c) Remote proxies can hide the fact that an object is not locally present,handling the communication necessary to access the remote real object
d) None of the mentioned

30. Which of the following is consequence for proxy pattern?
a) The Proxy pattern makes it possible to defer expensive operations until they are necessary (virtual proxies)
b) Provides an elegant way to treat remote objects as if they were local (remote proxies)
c) Provides a mechanism for implementing supplier access restrictions (protection or access proxies)
d) All of the mentioned


1-c 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-b
6-a 7-b 8-d 9-c 10-d
11-d 12-d 13-d 14-d 15-c
16-d 17-b 18-d 19-d 20-c
21-d 22-c 23-c 24-c 25-b
26-d 27-d 28-a 29-d 30-d
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