Linux Set 1 (30 mcqs)

1. To increase the response time and throughput, the kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of internal data buffer called
a) Pooling
b) Spooling
c) Buffer cache
d) Swapping

2. At start of process execution, STDOUT & STDERR
a) Point to current terminal device
b) Are closed
c) Point to special files on the system
d) None of the above

3. wtmp and utmp files contain:
a) Temporary system data
b) User login-logout log
c) The user’s command execution log
d) The user’s su and sudo attempts

4. Which is the core of the operating system?
a) Shell
b) Kernel
c) Commands
d) Script

5. ILP32 stands for
a) 32 bit Integer, Long & Pointer
b) 32 bit Integrated Long & Pointer
c) 32 bit Intelligent Long & Pointer
d) 32 bit Long & Pointer

6. Single Unix Specification Version 2 provides enhanced support for
a) 16 bit Unix
b) 32 bit Unix
c) 64 bit Unix
d) 8 bit Unix

7. Under UNIX the key board is the default input device and the monitor is the default output device
a) True
b) False

8. Which among the following interacts directly with system hardware?
a) Shell
b) Commands
c) Kernel
d) Applications

9. Applications communicate with kernel by using:
a) System Calls
b) C Programs
c) Shell Script
d) Shell

10. All device files are stored in which directory?
a) /etc
b) /bin
c) /dev
d) /usr

11. Which of the following time stamps need not exist for a file on traditional unix file system
a) Access Time
b) Modification Time
c) Creation Time
d) Change Time

12. Which command is used to set limits on file size
a) fsize
b) flimit
c) ulimit
d) usize

13. Which option of rmdir command will remove all directories a, b, c if path is a/b/c
a) –b
b) –o
c) –p
d) –t

14. Which represents the user home directory
a) /
b) .
c) ..
d) ~

15. If a file is removed in Unix using ‘rm’ then
a) The file can be recovered by a normal user
b) The file cannot be recovered by a user
c) The file can be fully recovered provided the sytem is not rebooted
d) The file will be moved to /lost+found directory and can be recovered only by administrator’s intervention

16. Executing the ‘cd ..’ command when at the root level causes
a) Error message indicating the user can’t access beyond the root level
b) Behavior is unix-flavor dependent
c) Results in changing to the ‘home’ directory
d) Nothing happens

17. How do you rename file “new” to file “old”?
a) mv new old
b) move new old
c) cp new old
d) rn new old

18. What command is used to copy files and directories?
a) copy
b) cp
c) rn
d) cpy

19. When mv f1 f2 is executed which file’s inode is freed?
a) f1
b) f2
c) new inode will be used
d) implementation dependent

20. Any file’s attribute information is stored in which structure on the disk
a) Inode
b) Data blocks
c) File blocks
d) Directory file

21. The soft link will increase the link counter of the file.(T/F)
a) True
b) False

22. When you use the ln command, which of the following occurs?
a) a file is created that points to an existing file
b) a file is created that is a copy of an existing file
c) a file is moved from one location to another
d) a file is renamed

23. srwxr-xrw- is a
a) internet socket file
b) unix domain socket file
c) symbolic link
d) shared file

24. Binary or executable files are:
a) Regular files
b) Device files
c) Special files
d) Directory files

25. The directory file contains:
a) File names & File Sizes
b) File names & Inode Numbers
c) File names & Address
d) File names & Permissions

26. Which directory contain device special files?
a /etc
b) /etc/dev
c) /root/bin
d) /dev

27. Which of the following is not a valid file type on Linux
a) Socket
b) Softlink
c) Inode

28. Which of the following is not correct statement regarding file types?
a) Hard links share same inode number
b) Soft links cannot be created across partitions
c) Socket files are Unix domain sockets
d) Character file is a special file

29. Which are the two types of device files?
a) Character & Block
b) Character & Socket
c) Block & FIFO
d) Input & output

30. Which is an example for character special file?
a) Hard disk
c) Terminal
d) Memory


1-c 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-a
6-c 7-a 8-c 9-a 10-c
11-c 12-c 13-c 14-b 15-d
16-d 17-a 18-b 19-b 20-a
21-b 22-a 23-b 24-a 25-b
26-d 27-c 28-b 29-a 30-c
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